My business deals in fine Japanese Art and specialising in urushi (Japanese lacquer) – from Japan’s pre-modern period through to the 21st-century. Particular emphasis, however, is placed on 20th-century artistic development and the work of contemporary artists, whose dedication ensures the continuation of Japan’s quintessential lacquer arts.
Simon Pilling East Asian Art & Interiors PO Box 834 Rickmansworth WD3 0RA
Simon Pilling Phone +44 (0)7946 577303 Email simon@simonpilling.co.uk Website www.simonpilling.co.uk
THE ART OF DISPLAY Traditionally in Japan, life was separated into ‘extraordinary days and ordinary days. Extraordinary days were those of festivals, auspicious events and ceremonies; ordinary days were for mundane work. Many of the objects in this exhibition are pieces that were created for extraordinary days, transforming the ordinary into extraordinary through design. A number celebrate food – an aspect of Japanese society that has come to epitomise our view of the singular Japanese devotion to raising everyday events to a level of an artform, in harmony with the seasons. Some pieces give a sense of occasion to the act of writing and artistic creativity. It is my hope that the examples in this exhibition will stimulate the viewer’s imagination, and although the objects relate to a distant society, perhaps unlock personal memories, and invoke a sense of wonder in their relevance to universal values.
During Asian Art London, 29 October – 4 November, exhibiting at: St. George Street Gallery, Ground Floor, Sotheby’s, 34-35 New Bond St London W1A 2AA Opening Hours: Tues 29th October – Fri 1st Nov: 09.00-16.30 Sat & Sun 2nd & 3rd November: 12.00-17.00 Mon 4th November: 09.00-20.00 (Late Night Opening)